Monday, October 6, 2014

To Stroller or Not to Stroller?

That is the question!  The question I get most from clients and friends traveling to Disney World.  Especially if your little pirate or princess has ditched their stroller while at home.  But Disney is not a trip to the mall, it's miles and miles of walking.  In my opinion the answer is a resounding YES, if your child is 5 or under.  After that, it's a personal decision based on you and your situation.  So that gives you the "Who", and I'm also here to provide you with the What, Why, When and How.


What kind of stroller is best for Disney?  Well, it depends on your family situation.  There are sit and stands, frames for infant carriers, umbrella strollers, SUV strollers, double strollers, etc.  If you are bringing your own stroller, I suggest a cross between an umbrella stroller and a deluxe stroller.  We bring one that folds several times and has a carrying strap.  Ideally if it reclines and folds up neat, that is a Disney Stroller.  The strollers that are able to be rented in the parks are not appropriate for infants, but the average toddler is comfortable.  The stroller is hard plastic with a brake and sun canopy and some have small storage baskets.


Walking makes for a healthy child, right?  Why confine them to a stroller?  Well, because an average day at Disney is MILES of walking.  Walking from the resort room to the bus stop, the bus stop to the entrance, etc.  All that walking is tough on little legs and short fuses.  Why you want a stroller for your little one is to avoid this:
  • Carrying Them-As well as your backpack, with your own tired feet.   You will have no control over when or where this happens.  I can pretty much guarantee it will not be at a good time. So be prepared for #2.
  • Negotiating-You will offer treats, another ride on Buzz Lightyear, a trip to Mars.  Anything to keep them moving and off your aching back.  Now you are either doing more walking or carrying more stuff.
  • The Shut Down-As you will have no control over #1 and #2 this is inevitable.  If you are lucky this will just involve a “stop and drop” near a quiet, shaded bench.  More than likely it will be in the middle of the tight walkway around Cinderella Castle...or so I've heard.  The Shut Down  can also turn into The Complete Meltdown, carrying them out of the park kicking and screaming. The number to cancel your Advanced Dining Reservation, that your agent made 180 days ago, is 1-407-WDW-DINE.

Again, you know your child best. There is no prize given for being a hero and carrying your child around all day.  So here are some general guidelines to consider:
  • Infants-They will almost always need a stroller.  Even if you bring the best carrier in the world, Florida's heat will require a break for both you and baby. Maybe you will even get a nap in the stroller?  Sit back with your Mickey Premium ice cream bar and put your own feet up for an hour or so.  Stay tuned for articles on my favorite nap spots in the Parks.
  • Toddlers-This age group will need a stroller as well. You might get away without it if you are returning to the parks for dinner after a nap, that's up to you. But during the day at the parks those little legs will need a break.  At this age, the stroller is also a nice measure of control as you maneuver around the crowds.
  • Preschoolers-This is where your decision becomes difficult.  You probably haven't used a stroller for a while at home. Maybe it's still stored in the garage from your last Disney trip. If you decide on a stroller, plan on using it at the end of the day and more so towards the end of the trip. The rest of the time it will be a place to store stuff while on the rides.  Disclaimer:  When I say stuff, I do not mean cameras, iPads or purses. Disney is not that magical.

  • Bring Your Stroller from Home-Easy choice if you are driving.  If you are flying you can check your stroller at the gate and it will be waiting for you outside the airplane when you disembark.  This does not count against your luggage limits and there is no charge.  Same goes for car seats.  This option gives you a stroller at all times; airport, resort, and the parks.
  • Rent a Stroller from Disney Guest Services-Single ($15 a Day) or Double ($31 a Day) strollers are available to rent as you enter the parks. There are discounts for multiple days and you will need to leave a deposit on your credit card or resort room. They put your name on the stroller and it is yours for the day inside that park. Plan ahead and bring a ribbon or towel to wrap around the handle of your stroller to make it easier to spot in the sea of strollers. The downside to this choice is that you don't have a stroller upon leaving the parks. The upside is that you don't have a stroller to carry and lug around after leaving the parks. Strollers are welcome, but not available for rent at the water parks. Double strollers are not available for rent at Downtown Disney. 
  •  Rent a Stroller from an Outside Vendor-This is rapidly becoming a popular option. There are many companies in the Orlando area which provide this service. Orlando Strollers and Kingdom Strollers are two popular companies. The procedures vary, but basically a company will deliver your stroller selection to your Disney Resort or off site rental. This means you will have your stroller at the resort and in the parks, but don't have to haul it on the plane. Also, there are  Special Needs strollers for older, disabled children. FYI-They will offer you stroller insurance which covers the stroller if it is lost or stolen. This is a personal decision, I am not up to date on the current crime rate statistics for Disney Stroller Theft.
The most important thing to remember is that you know your child best, so ultimately you have to decide what's best for your family. Being prepared with your options and planning ahead of time will make your Disney trip Magical.

Maria, AKA Mickey Mom is a Travel Planner for Snapshot Getaways. When she is not planning trips for others, she is dreaming of going to Disney.  Check out her MickeyMom Facebook Page

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