While most folks know the ins and outs of adding the Park Hopper option to their Magic Your Way park tickets, the Water Park, Fun & More option seems to cause some confusion. Also did you know that sometimes it is better to add the Water Park, Fun & More option than to just buy a one day water park admission?
First of all, for those who may be hearing about this for the first time, the Water Park, Fun & More option is a optional addition to your Magic Your Way Disney World park ticket. It allows you (1) admission to the following activities:
- Blizzard Beach water park
- Typhoon Lagoon water park
- DisneyQuest
- ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex
- (1) Round of mini golf at Fantasia Gardens (before 4:00 pm)
- (1) Round of mini golf at Winter Summerland (before 4:00 pm)
- (1) Round of golf at Oak Trail family walking course (does not include clubs or golf cart rental, & reservations required)
For each day of park tickets you buy, you will receive a (1) admission to your choice of the activities above. So if you have a (1) day Magic Your Way park ticket, you would receive (1) admission, if you have a (5) day Magic Your Way park ticket, you would receive (5) admissions.
You can:
- Use more than one admission per day-so if you wanted to use one admission in the morning for Typhoon Lagoon, and a second admission in the evening at Disney Quest-that's fine.
- Mix and match which activities you would like to use your admissions for. You can also use them all for the same activity.
- Use the admission for re-entry in the same activity within a day. So you could go to Blizzard Beach in the morning, leave and return later in the afternoon. But it has to be in the same day and the same activity.
Your tickets will expire 14 days after first use, just like your Magic Your Way tickets, but you can add the No Expiration option and if you do not use all your admissions up in one visit, you can use the remaining admissions on later trips.
Now let's talk money. The cost to add the Water Park, Fun & More option to your Magic Your Way base ticket:
- $37.27 (including tax) to add to a (1) day Magic Kingdom park ticket.
- $42.60 (including tax) to add the Water Park, Fun & More to your (1) day Epcot, Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom park ticket.
- $52.19 (including tax) to add it to any 2 or 3 day Magic Your Way ticket.
- $63.90 (including tax)to add the Water Park, Fun & More option to a 4 day or longer Magic Your Way ticket.
Obviously, like all Disney ticket options-the more days you add, the less you pay per day for the ticket. Adding the Water Park, Fun and More option to a 10 day base ticket breaks down to an additional $6.39 a day.
Now when does it actually save you money to add the Water Park, Fun & More option, and when should you just buy a (1) day admission to one of the activities? The quick answer-when you have the park hopper option, plan to visit a water park, or plan to visit at least 2 activities during your stay. Here's the breakdown why:
To add the Park Hopper option on to a Magic Your Way base ticket is the same cost as adding on the Water Park, Fun & More, but to add BOTH onto your base ticket:
- $86.27 (including tax) to add to a (1) day Magic Kingdom base ticket.
- $91.59 (including tax) to add it to any (1) day Epcot, Hollywood Studios, or Animal Kingdom base ticket, and also to any (2) day or more base ticket.
The cost of a (1) day water park (Typhoon Lagoon or Blizzard Beach) ticket is $56.45 per adult (including tax).
The cost for a (1) day Disney Quest ticket is $47.93 per adult (including tax.**
The cost for (1) round of golf at the Oak Trail Golf Course is $40.47 per adult (including tax).
The difference to add the Water Park, Fun & More option to a Park Hopper:
- $49.00 to a (1) day Magic Kingdom ticket with Park Hopper.
- $48.99 to a (1) day Epcot, Hollywood Studios, or Animal Kingdom ticket with Park Hopper.
- $39.40 to a 2 or 3 day ticket with Park Hopper.
- $27.69 to any 4 day or more park ticket with Park Hopper.
So based on just a (1) day admission to a water park, you can save anywhere from $7.45 to $28.76, just by adding the Water Park, Fun & More option. And the more days tickets you have, your value increases because after the first days savings, every activity you visit from there on is essentially free.
The only time it doesn't make sense to add the Water Park, Fun & More option is:
- If you are going during the colder months, and it might be too cold to visit the water parks.
- You have you activities planned out and do not have the extra time to fit additional activities in.
- You have no interest in the activities included in the Water Park, Fun & More option.
And for folks who do not add the Water Park, Fun & More option before they arrive, you can add it while you are at the parks. Even if you have used a few days on your Magic Your Way park tickets. You will be charged for how ever many days you originally had on your tickets, so take that into consideration when deciding to add the Water Park, Fun & More option, so you can get the most value.
So there you have it, hopefully this explains what and when adding the Water Park, Fun & More option to your Magic Your Way park ticket makes sense. Done right, it can save you money and increase your Disney fun!
**At the time the article is being written, Disney is including (2) free Disney Quest admissions in the coupon book that comes with the Magic Your Way packages. We are not sure if this will become a standard inclusion or will no longer be included at some point. This changes the savings and value of the Water Park, Fun & More option if Disney Quest is one of the activities you planned on using your admission(s) on.
**Besides being the owner and travel professional of Snapshot Getaways, Lisa is an avid traveler, food nerd, blogger & podcaster. Her answer to pretty much everything is food or travel, and is happiest when the solution includes both. You can contact her at Lisa@ SnapshotGetaways.com, to talk food, travel, Disney-whatever.